CMX Converter
Corel Metafile Exchange Image File

File Extension CMX
Category Vector File
Associated Programs Adobe Illustrator

We support the conversion of CMX into 10 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from CMX Conversions Rating
0 CMX to CCX (Click & Create Extension)
1 CMX to CDR (CorelDRAW Image File)
2 CMX to CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)
3 CMX to FIG (Xfig Drawing)
4 CMX to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 2.3 8 votes
5 CMX to PLT (AutoCAD Plotter Document)
6 CMX to PNG (Portable Network Graphic) 1.3 6 votes
7 CMX to SK (Sketch/Skencil format)
8 CMX to SK1 (sK1 vector graphics)
9 CMX to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 4.6 48 votes