Convert CUR to JPG
Online & free tool to convert CUR files to JPG

1) Input file

Choose source file(s) to convert:

0 of 5 files added (up to 300 MB combined)

2) Output format

Select a target format to convert to:

3) Convert

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1) File URL

Choose file URL to convert:

2) Output format

Select a target format to convert to:

3) Convert

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1) Cloud Service

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2) Output format

Select a target format to convert to:

3) Convert

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CUR .cur is the Windows Cursor (.cur) files. It is a static windows cursor file that is a still image that is identical to .ico (Icon) files in most ways aside from the file extensions that exists. It is used like the .ico files which are to view images in a different way. ANI formatted files, even in Windows 7 can view this type of file. It contains file header, info headers, and cursor data.
JPG The .jpg filename extension refers to digital photography files or digital images that are associated with the JPEG file format specification. The joint photographic experts group, or JPEG for short, is a file format from the 'lossy image' class of image formats. Many devices including smartphones with inbuilt cameras and professional digital SLR cameras support the JPEG/Exif file format natively. Such support allow images captured on these devices to be stored directly into the jpg format without conversion. Efforts towards standardization of the JPEG format first begun in 1992 with ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994

How to convert CUR to JPG


Select the image file in the CUR format to convert to the JPG format, you can select a file from your computer or your Google Drive or Dropbox account.                            


Choose the JPG format from the drop-down list as the output format, and click the Convert button, you can convert up to 5 files at the same time and a maximum size of up to 300 MB.


Wait until your file is uploaded and converted into the JPG image format, you can download the converted file up to a maximum of 5 times, and can also delete the file from the Download page.