DOCM Converter
Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document

File Extension DOCM
Category Document File
Technical Details A .docm extension file is similar to a .docx extension file in terms of using XML architecture combined with ZIP compression. The compression feature enables storage of files in a small size which frees up space on the system and also makes it easy to transfer the files. The only difference between a .docm extension file and a .docx extension file is that it consists of macros as well as VBA scripting.
Associated Programs Apache OpenOffice
Microsoft Office
WPS Office

We support the conversion of DOCM into 19 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from DOCM Conversions Rating
0 DOCM to BIB (BibTeX Bibliography Database)
1 DOCM to DOCX (Microsoft Word Open XML Document) 4.3 11 votes
2 DOCM to FODT (OpenDocument Flat XML Document)
3 DOCM to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language File)
4 DOCM to LTX (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File)
5 DOCM to ODT (OpenDocument Text Document)
6 DOCM to OTT (OpenDocument Document Template)
7 DOCM to PDB (Program Database)
8 DOCM to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 3.3 7 votes
9 DOCM to PSW (Pocket Word)
10 DOCM to RTF (Rich Text Format File)
11 DOCM to SDW (StarWriter 5.0)
12 DOCM to STW (Open 1.0 Text Document Template)
13 DOCM to SXW (StarOffice Writer Text Document)
14 DOCM to TXT (Plain Text File)
15 DOCM to UOT (Unified Office Format text)
16 DOCM to VOR (StarOffice Template)
17 DOCM to WPS (Kingsoft Writer Document)
18 DOCM to XML (XML File Extension)