EPUB Converter
Open eBook File

File Extension EPUB
Category EBook File
Technical Details The EPUB or electronic publication format is formally standardized in ISO/IEC TS 30135. Its structure is an extension of XHTML and XML and has optional support for cascaded style sheets. The format allows for documents that contain images either in raster or vector graphics format. Digital rights management is also supported.
Associated Programs MobiPocket
Adobe Digital Editions

We support the conversion of EPUB into 26 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from EPUB Conversions Rating
0 EPUB to AZW3 (Amazon Kindle eBook File) 4.9 191 votes
1 EPUB to DBK (DocBook XML File)
2 EPUB to DOCX (Microsoft Word Open XML Document) 4.3 141 votes
3 EPUB to DWIKI (DokuWiki Markup)
4 EPUB to FB2 (FictionBook 2.0 File) 4.1 8 votes
5 EPUB to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language File) 4.1 71 votes
6 EPUB to HTMLZ (Zipped HTML eBook) 4.8 23 votes
7 EPUB to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation File) 3.8 10 votes
8 EPUB to LIT (eBook File) 4.2 5 votes
9 EPUB to LRF (Linker Response File) 1 1 vote
10 EPUB to MD (Markdown Documentation File) 4.1 31 votes
11 EPUB to MOBI (Mobipocket eBook) 5 10977 votes
12 EPUB to ODT (OpenDocument Text Document) 4.9 71 votes
13 EPUB to PDB (Program Database) 4.3 15 votes
14 EPUB to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 4.9 47097 votes
15 EPUB to PMLZ (Zipped Palm Markup Language File)
16 EPUB to RB (Rosebud Profile)
17 EPUB to RTF (Rich Text Format File) 5 5 votes
18 EPUB to SNB (Shanda Bambook eBook File)
19 EPUB to TCR (Text Compression for Reader)
20 EPUB to TEX (LaTeX Source Document)
21 EPUB to TEXTILE (Text Markup File)
22 EPUB to TXT (Plain Text File) 4.6 92 votes
23 EPUB to TXTZ (Compressed TXT format)
24 EPUB to WIKI (Mediawiki Markup File)
25 EPUB to ZIP (Zipped File) 4.9 34 votes