LIT Converter
eBook File

File Extension LIT
Category EBook File
Technical Details The LIT format was extended from Microsoft's compiled HTML help format. The format includes support for digital rights management to enforce copyright material. This is however an optional feature. The format had no support for editing or exporting but in later years software programs were developed that allowed LIT files to be converted into formats that supported these features.
Associated Programs Microsoft Reader

We support the conversion of LIT into 16 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from LIT Conversions Rating
0 LIT to AZW3 (Amazon Kindle eBook File) 5 18 votes
1 LIT to EPUB (Open eBook File) 5 413 votes
2 LIT to FB2 (FictionBook 2.0 File) 4 1 vote
3 LIT to HTMLZ (Zipped HTML eBook)
4 LIT to LRF (Linker Response File)
5 LIT to MOBI (Mobipocket eBook) 4.9 32 votes
6 LIT to PDB (Program Database)
7 LIT to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 5 4268 votes
8 LIT to PMLZ (Zipped Palm Markup Language File)
9 LIT to RB (Rosebud Profile)
10 LIT to RTF (Rich Text Format File) 5 29 votes
11 LIT to SNB (Shanda Bambook eBook File)
12 LIT to TCR (Text Compression for Reader)
13 LIT to TXT (Plain Text File) 5 6 votes
14 LIT to TXTZ (Compressed TXT format)
15 LIT to ZIP (Zipped File)