TIF Converter
Tagged Image File

File Extension TIF
Category Image File
Technical Details TIFF is the preferred file format when compared to JPEG and other lossy graphics formats for archiving images in the maximum resolution possible. This can be useful to graphics professionals if the large storage requirements for lossless TIFF files is not a deterrent. Being lossless means that TIFF files can be freely edited without any degradation.
Associated Programs Microsoft Office Picture Manager
Adobe Photoshop
MS Paint

We support the conversion of TIF into 29 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from TIF Conversions Rating
0 TIF to BMP (Bitmap Image File)
1 TIF to EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile) 5 12 votes
2 TIF to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript File) 4.4 16 votes
3 TIF to FODG (OpenDocument Drawing)
4 TIF to GIF (Graphical Interchange Format File)
5 TIF to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language File)
6 TIF to JPG (JPG Image File) 3 44 votes
7 TIF to MET (OS/2 Metafile)
8 TIF to ODD (OpenDocument Drawing)
9 TIF to OTG (OpenDocument Graphic Template)
10 TIF to PBM (Portable Bitmap Image)
11 TIF to PCT (Picture File)
12 TIF to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 4.7 26 votes
13 TIF to PGM (Portable Gray Map Image)
14 TIF to PNG (Portable Network Graphic) 2.8 22 votes
15 TIF to PPM (Portable Pixmap Image File)
16 TIF to RAS (Remedy Archive System File)
17 TIF to STD (Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template)
18 TIF to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 4.7 58 votes
19 TIF to SVM (StarView Metafile)
20 TIF to SWF (Shockwave Flash Movie)
21 TIF to SXD (OpenOffice.org 1.0 Drawing)
22 TIF to SXW (StarOffice Writer Text Document)
23 TIF to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) 3.7 6 votes
24 TIF to TXT (Plain Text File)
25 TIF to VOR (StarOffice Template)
26 TIF to WMF (Windows Metafile) 5 19 votes
27 TIF to XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File)
28 TIF to XPM (Micro Planner Manager File)